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Nissan Will Build Condominium for Nissan Leaf

Nissan continues to make electric vehicle partnerships around the world with the launch of the Nissan LEAF looming – and now it has established a new relationship on home turf.

Nissan has joined forces with Daikyo Incorporated, one of the largest condominium builders in the country. The two have signed a memorandum of understanding which will involve the launch of a demonstration project for electric vehicle charging infrastructure in condominium buildings.

Together, they will review and suggest approaches for installing chargers and Nissan will provide electric vehicles and chargers on a test basis to condominium owners for a trial period in an effort to identify any issues and potential solutions.

Nissan and Daikyo have also issued an invitation for condominium association boards in Yokohama City and Kanagawa Prefecture to apply for the programme.

Daikyo now hopes to install charging infrastructure in around 10 per cent of the parking in each of the buildings in its Lion Mansion Series that are scheduled for construction after April this year.
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