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Honda FCX Clarity

Honda FCX Clarity

Honda has started production of the FCX Clarity fuel-cell car that goes on lease in California this year.

Honda has been flooded with requests for the new car and has had to draw lots even though leasers will be paying $600 (£300) a month, plus about $4.99 per kilogram for the hydrogen fuel (the FCX delivers an energy equivalent fuel consumption of 81 imperial mpg). Actresses Jamie Lee Curtis and 24's Laura Harris will be among the first drivers.

Honda FCX Clarity Interior

The striking four-door car was driven by Motoring last year (November 17 and 24, 2007). It is fuelled with 171 litres of gaseous hydrogen stored in a single tank at 5,000psi. The V-Flow fuel cell is Honda's own design and produces electricity for the 134hp front-wheel drive electric motor.

The range is quoted at 270 miles, with a top speed of 100mph and 0-60mph in 10 seconds. Honda's Ben Knight says that in well-to-wheels CO2 efficiency terms, the FCX Clarity is on a par with a battery car using electricity generated from burning natural gas. Honda plans to build up to 300 FCX Clarity models in the next three years.
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